About me


Hello there, many thanks for dropping by to my website and coming here to find out more about me. I first had the idea for this website when I was applying for medicine as a graduate and realised there weren't many resources out there for graduates who want to study medicine. A few months later and I've made my first website - I hope you enjoy reading all the articles and find something useful here.


My journey so far

My journey to medicine basically began in final year of university, when I was studying biochemistry at The University of Manchester. I enjoyed my final year lab project but couldn't see myself doing a PhD or research in the near future. Doing medicine was something I had thought about since year 11, but at the time hadn't really taken it seriously. But volunteering for Age UK and talking to medics made me realise it was something I really wanted to pursue. I was on holiday with my cousin at the time and she encouraged me to apply - so I set about preparing my application for the coming October, securing work experience and preparing for the UCAT. Interviews at King's and Manchester were unsuccessful, but I was gifted an opportunity when St George's went into clearing and offered me a place on their 5-year MBBS programme. I deferred entry to 2021 and now I am about to start in September!

Some stuff about me

Website Stuff

Instead of using a website builder such as Wordpress or Wix, I had the crazy idea of learning how to code - html and css to build my own website. I used online tutorials and the help of a lot of my friends to teach myself how to code a simple website - a few months later, here we are! One benefit of this is that I didn't have to pay for any website building services, although they normally come with free options anyway. I also haven't paid to host the website - a friend told me about using Netlify, a webhosting company that have a free hosting plan - it links to my GitHub account too so I can make changes fairly easily. If you have any questions about how I built the website or host it, please contact me!

I'd like to give a few special thanks to people who contributed to this project. Firstly to Caroline Strasenburgh and Jack Medley-Hill, two of my closest friends and former housemates - I kept pestering the both of you for help with the basics of coding, especially when I first started. You both never hesitated to help, even when you do this on a daily basis too! Next to Olaf Kotur- one of my closest friends from school - you were extremely helpful in helping me learn how to use GitHub and helping me host my website. He is also an awesome software developer - be sure to check out some of his projects. Thanks also to Matt Mullins and Dan Allen, two of my colleagues from my time working as a science technician in a school. Matt was instrumental in helping design graphics for the website, whilst Dan designed my logo and also the amazing science icon wallpapers!